If you are experience issues with either a piece of hardware, software, Ministry Platform or have an office request, please complete the attached form and tell us about your issue. Thank you.

Common IT Links

Below are common links/questions. Please remember not to share your usernames and passwords. If you think someone needs one, please contact IT via a support ticket. Some of these should be saved in your browser favorites. There are a few updates below.

Webmail (Office 365):

Login is entire email address and network password. There are other online Office features you can use there.  If you can’t remember the link, just Google “Office 365 login”.

Email Account Information: This information works for Outlook (desktop) as well as mobile devices.

Acct. Type:  Microsoft Exchange

  • Email address/user name: entire email address
  • Password: probably the same as your network password
  • If it asks for a server name:

You can use the built-in email App on your device or download the Outlook App from the App store.

Catalyst Help: (you are here!)

Go here to request any type of assistance from Communications, Technical Arts, Office, Financial, Facilities, and IT.  For IT you can also this Email contact to your address book:  [email protected] so you can also submit a ticket from your phone.

Phone System Portal: (to manage voicemail, contacts, or look up someone’s extension)

  • Login is your 4 digit phone extension (xxxx) typed like this: [email protected] (your extension @ church phone number dot com).
  • Pw was set to 5433 as default but would have been changed by you to another number code.

Church Management System (Ministry Platform):

Staff Wifi:

Use your network credentials (or use guest wifi).  Check-in and other multi-user computers use a separate network and it is setup on those machines already. Staff is for Staff phones/tablets or staff assigned computers since it gives you access to our internal network.

Asset Inventory Change